WWW Search Engines ////////////////// Many times it is best to start your surfing adventures using the various searchers listed below. You may find that using one of the full service search pages a great way to find out tons of places to visit and explore simply by typing in a topic, phrase or keyword that is of interest to you. You will find many varied, unique, informative and interesting sites within this BIGSURF publication but no guide could possibly hope to list everything that is out there. I encourage and recommend everyone to try these search utilities and search pages to further your web and Internet explorations. ___________________________________________________________________________ Full service Search Pages Here are some of the premiere places to start your searches. These pages all offer links to several search engines on the same page or offer links to many search engines and other search related pages on the web. Using these pages is easy but you will need a graphical web browser such as Netscape, Mosaic or MacWeb to use these pages. The W3 page offers mutliple searches to be initiated right from the same page using several different search engines and criteria. The results of the search are then given to you onscreen or you may choose to save the results page and download for future reference. All of the pages are free to the public and are available free of charge. These are the three *best* places to start a search I have found on the web (so far). They are accessible and easily navigated and once you begin to use them - you'll come back here time and time again... CSC Search Services Web Page http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Search.html Searching the Internet http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/I-M/is/search.html W3 Search Engines Page http://cuiwww.unige.ch/meta-index.html ___________________________________________________________________________ Web ROBOTS (info searchers and finders) CheckWeb http://www.stuff.com/~bcutter/home/programs/checkweb.html A useful robot that checks your web docs for dead links. ---------- JumpStation http://www.stir.ac.uk/jsbin/js Robot search engine for locating sites and docs on Web ---------- Lycos http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu/ http://www.lycos.com/ Robot catalog of Web, gopher and ftp sites. Even though Lycos has now signed a non-exclusive agreement with Microsoft to be carried on the new MicroSoft Network, Lycos' Dr. Mauldin has emphasized the point that Lycos will remain free to all users. Please use the new "com" address after July 1995 ---------- MOMspider WWW94 paper http://www.ics.uci.edu/WebSoft/MOMspider/WWW94/paper.html Roy Fielding's description of MOMspider and how other bots work ---------- SG-Scout home page http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu:80/~ptbb/SG-Scout/SG-Scout.html Another Web catalog robot - runs every few months to update info ---------- WWW Robots, Wanderers and Spiders http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/robots.html Place for info on Web robots. Includes list of known bots on WWW ---------- World Wide Web Wanderer Index http://www.netgen.com/cgi/wandex A searchable index of over 28,000 documents from over 14,000 sites ---------- WWW growth-bot http://www.netgen.com/info/growth.html web robot that measures the size of the Web --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web searchers ///////////// The WebCrawler http://webcrawler.com ---------- The WebCrawler II http://webcrawler.cs.washington.edu/WebCrawler/WebQuery.htm ---------- The WWW Worm http://www.cs.colorado.edu/home/mcbryan/WWWW.html ---------- GNN Home page http://gnn.com/gnn/gnn.html Has a huge list of home pages from around the web Look in the Netizens area which lists individual home pages. ---------- Yahoo server Home page URL: http://akebono.stanford.edu/yahoo/ Yahoo Search http://www.yahoo.com/search.html Although originally set up as a starting point for web surfers, this page has come into its own and now offers a huge database of over 40,000 web pages that are part of a searchable index. The database searchable list of web pages keeps growing and there is no charge for the use of this searching utility. The index is searchable by web page title and keyword so there is a good chance that what you are looking for is here. Once found the user can automatically link to that page and away you go! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SaavySearch http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~dreiling/smartform.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet Searchers //////////////// Stanford University Electronic Library http://sift.stanford.edu Lets you monitor Usenet newsgroups by entered keywords --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is on Usenet? email to: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu Subject: send usenet-addresses/UserName NOTE: No space between addresses/Username This is a search service available using email. The subject line is the command line that requests a search on the user name you specify. This will return everyone matching that name who has ever posted to Usenet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary Look-Up ////////////////// WWW Searchable Look-up sites http://c.gp.cs.cmu.edu:5013/prog/webster - this is a searchable hypertextual interface to Webster's Dictionary http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/wessler/dict _______________________________ Gopher Searchable Look-up sites gopher://gopher.niaid.nih.gov:70/77/deskref/.Dictionary/enquire gopher://knot.queensu.ca:17502/1webster --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Web based searchers //////////////////////// OpenText Corporation http://www.opentext.com OpenText Web Index http://opentext.uunet.ca:8081/intro.html http://opentext.uunet.ca:8080/omw.html [See the following URL for more info on web search tools] http://cuiwww.unige.ch/meta-index.html The Open Text Web Index, while still under heavy construction, is now available for general use. This Web search engine has currently indexed about half a million pages (http, gopher, ftp), and intends, in the near future, to index over 2 million pages and over 1 billion words of text. The following features of the Web Index distinguish it from the many other other web searchers. 1. 100% of the full text of every page is indexed 2. Boolean and ranked search are supported 3. Updated every night in an effort to track the web as closely as possible 4. Prefix, word, and phrase search all run at the same (high) speed 5. Hosted by a big-league Internet Service Provicer (UUNET Canada), so there's lots of bandwidth 6. It's **FREE*** 7. Real-time Key-Word-In-Context display of match points, to avoid following URL's to check up on every match. 8. No preset number of match returns; if you find 845 pages, and have the patience, the Index will scroll through them all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUI W3 Catalog http://cuiwww.unige.ch/w3catalog Huge linked catalog (searchable) of tons of web sites. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet People search services gopher://yaleinfo.yale.edu:7700/11/Internet-People Lots of links to gopher, whois, and telnet sites that can search for folks on the net. Also searchers for Usenet posts to find those Internetters you're looking for. A great resource for finding folks. Whois servers list FTP to: sipb.mit.edu in the --> /pub/whois/whois-servers.list --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWBOT Information Services telnet://info.cnri.reston.va.us:185 This will enable you to use a command-line to search for a variety of information. You can enter commands like "query jones" to look for someone with that last name. This interface is not for the faint of heart, though. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CULTURE--People--Lists -- directories WWW Home pages http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/icmc/culture-people-lists.html Holy cow! Lots of search functions and links here! - Who's Who (pages.html) Who's Who on the Internet, from CityLive! CityLive! is an online magazine, part of the WWW Virtual Library. - GNN's Netizen's (index.html) Global Network Navigator's Internet Center Netizen's project, a directory of home pages written by GNN users. - People-Yahoo Entertainment--People, personal home pages collection, from Yahoo Personal Pages World Wide (index.html) a meta collection of personal pages worldwide, from the University of Texas at Austin. - Who's Online (whoiswho.html) a collective database of a non-commercial biographies of people on the Internet. - Galaxy's Net Citizens (Net-Citizens.html) - DA-CLOD People Page - CMC People (people.html) people interested in the study of CMC, from the CMC studies center - COS (Community of Science) Purpose is to identify and locate researchers, inventions, and facilities at U.S. and Canadian universities by interest and expertise Communications Scholars (dirpage.html) - Four11 Directory Services, a free and easy-to-use directory of online users and their e-mail addresses, from Four11 Directory Services (SLED project) - HCI People page For people interested in human-computer interaction - Houh's People (people.html) Henry Houh's List of People on the Web - Home Page Publisher create/edit your own home page with its own URL, includes a collection of home pages. - Internet People A "Who's Who" of the Internet, Biographies of IAB, IESG and IRSG Members - Netpages is a phone-book style directory for the Internet, from Aldea Communications, Inc. - WBW (World Birthday Web) You can record your birthday and link to your home page, by Tom Boutell - WWPR (World-Wide Profile Registry) Commercial but free listing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETFIND http://alpha.acast.nova.edu/netfind.html Finding E-mail Addresses via Netfind Directions: Enter a query in this format: name key - where name is the last name of the person, and the key words are hints at the location to search. For example, to find information about Darren Hardy at the University of Colorado in Boulder, use the query "hardy boulder colorado" or "hardy boulder colorado computer science". Netfind will return a list of possible locations based on the key words. Select one. Netfind will then look for information on the person at that location. When ready to start, select this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenText Web Text search engine http://opentext.uunet.ca:8080/omw.html This Web Text Search Engine goes beyond any text search engine currently available. Text can be search in the subject, heading and title. Also has Boolean operators beyond the usual "AND" and "OR" for you can also use boolean functions such as as: BUT NOT, NEAR and FOLLOWED BY. This is one of the ultimate and most powerful text search engines on the web presently. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SimTel Mirrors searcher http://harvest.cs.colorado.edu/brokers/pcindex/ SHASE searcher http://www.acs.oakland.edu/cgi-bin/shase The advantage of these search tools is that they are usually MUCH faster than Archie, though the scope of the search is more limited. If you know the exact file name, the WWW search tools can respond in seconds. The harvest broker also allows you to set the number of allowed spelling errors. Look for more of these "broker" type search engines in the future. Since their search is more limited and of a more specific nature these search engines are extremely fast and do not tie up connection time or bandwidth for more general or broad-based search engines or search 'bots. You get the information you need faster and can get back to work (or play). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point http://www.pointcom.com A new web service that is planning to have 1000 new reviews compiled each month of various web pages found across the globe. Each site is rated and this could prove to become a very potent and powerful resource for web surfers. Give it a try! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industry.Net http://www.industry.com Mostly a business related web search guide but still useful for many users. Includes an online yellow page listing and product information on all types of products and vendors. The database is searchable so if you need to find (for example) who sells and makes widgets and where they are located - then this searchable resource is your cup of tea. Site list is huge and growing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listing and Directory Services ////////////////////////////// McKinley Internet Directory http://www.mckinley.com A "yellow pages" directory of over 40,000 URLs !! The largest single directory listing available on the web to date. Your chances are high of finding what you were or are looking for on the web. Fantastic. Brought to you by Christine Maxwell (daughter of the late Robert Maxwell). Christine has become herself a new breed of Internet publishing tycoons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet White pages http://home.mcom.com/commun/internet_white_pages.html Various links and pointers to listings and searchers that can find individuals on the Internet. Find folks that have web home pages or find folks that have email addresses or folks that might post to Usenet. Other searchers and indexes also available. This site is brought to you by the folks at Netscape Communications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Yellow and White pages directories and the Four11 listings http://home.mcom.com/home/internet-white-pages.html http://yellow.com/ http://www.four11.com The Internet "phone books" which contain numerous listings of both personal amd business addresses. Includes email addresses and Web URLs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetPages http://www.aldea.com/wwwindex.html A project that is still under construction but is still very useful. It's like a white pages and yellow pages directory of the Internet all rolled up into one big offering. It offers a searchable database and when this thing is finished (well... more complete) it's going to be a knockout! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Related Links to WWW search 'bots and engines /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ethical Web Agents http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/IT94/Proceedings/Agents/eichmann.ethical /eichmann.html Info for web robot users or those who would like to use the services of a WWW robot or have a custom made 'bot service created for their use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guidelines for Robot Writers http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/guidelines.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Robots http://asearch.mccmedia.com/embed.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW Robots, Wanderers and Spiders http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/robots.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------